Mikheev Alexey Valerievich

The position of the medical worker and the name of the structural unit:

Ambulance Paramedic of the Emergency Advisory Ambulance Department of the Center for Air Ambulance and Emergency Medical Assistance of the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine

Secondary vocational education. GOU SPO of the city of Moscow "Medical College No. 7 of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow", diploma 77 PA 0014857 dated 06/30/2009, qualification "Paramedic", specialty "Medicine". Professional retraining, Alternativa LLC, diploma 770400057119 dated 12/29/2020, for conducting professional activities in the field of "Anesthesiology and resuscitation".

Information from the certificate of a specialist:

Certificate in the specialty "Ambulance and emergency care", LLC "Alternativa", No. 1177040076504, valid until December 28, 2020. Certificate in the specialty "General Medicine", Medical Center "Specialist", No. 1177180810443, valid until May 19, 2023. Certificate in the specialty "Nursing", GBPOU of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow "St. Certificate in the specialty "Anesthesiology and resuscitation", LLC "Alternativa", No. 1177040076776, valid until December 29, 2025.

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