Yamyak Aleksandr Alexandrovich
The position of the medical worker and the name of the structural unit:
Ambulance Paramedic of the Emergency Advisory Ambulance Department of the Center for Air Ambulance and Emergency Medical Assistance of the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine
Secondary vocational education. GBOU SPO "Andzhero-Sudzhensk Medical School" No. SB 1951862 dated June 28, 2001, qualification "Paramedic", specialty "General Medicine". Professional retraining, LLC "Center for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining" diploma No. 770400057029 dated March 29, 2021, majoring in Narcology. Higher professional education, SBE HPE "Siberian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development" diploma No. VSV 1322656 dated June 21, 2005, qualification "manager", specialty "nursing". Professional retraining, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (TSU), diploma MM-65 dated October 31, 2012, majoring in "Economics, Organization and Management of a Medical Institution".
Information from the certificate of a specialist:
Certificate in the specialty "Ambulance and Emergency Care", OGBPOU "Tomsk Basic Medical College", No. 0870241525438, valid until February 22, 2023.